HOW Long can you hold your breath??? ME? NOT VERY LONG...I found out last weekend, when I was strapped to a kayak!!! The instructor asks, "Who wants to learn to ROLL first?" Whaaaaaaaaaa???????? ROLL?? I don't remember seeing anything about being flipped over, while strapped to a little plastic the brochure....
We reached over and pushed my son Tucker's kayak towards the instructor..."You go 1st Show us how it is done",,, Good thing, he learned to roll, Cuz, spent a good portion of his time in the inverted position... His 1st roll, he pops up coughing up 1/2 the lake,,,
OH Great, I think, there is NO freakin way I'm going to be able to do this,,,
Tucker, did great!!, His Mom, not so much,,, I did ROLL, I did cuss, I mean Cough!!
Then the instructor says "Okay, now I am going to roll you over, I want you to spend some time under the water to get your bearings, when you are ready to come back up, tap the side of the boat & I'll roll you back up",,,,,
Whaaaaaaaaaaa, You want me to what???? Bearing.. Smearings,,, That's okay,I'm good in the upright position...!
The US National Whitewater Center is a fantastic place to spend the day,,, Or the weekend.. It is located in Charlotte, North Carolina.
I'll need to go back for a few more classes ... needless to say!
Once you get good, they actually let you out of the kiddie pool ,, where you get to play in the White Water... & ride up on the conveyor belt & do to it all over again... I never got out of the kiddie pool. We had a terrific time, and I actually didn't embarrass myself to much, I really can't wait to go back!
If Kayaking is not your thing, You can Whitewater Raft or Rock Climb, Bike, Hike or just relax and watch the other folks Rooooooooooolllllll
Can you say Chiropractor...?
1 comment:
Spending the weekend together in different states--HI-larious!
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