Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Dragon

Memorial Day Weekend: We finally did it...
Tail of the Dragon!
What a wonderful way to spend a long weekend, For those of you reading this
who have never heard of Tail of the Dragon, It is an 11 Mile stretch of road with 318 Curves located on U.S. 129 in North Carolina. Motorcycles come to the "The Dragon" by the thousands yearly. It took us about 2 years to plan our trip there, & what a trip it was.

If you are up in that area Cherohola Skyway is a MUST, It is actually a prettier
drive than "The Dragon" & not nearly as curvy.. Ha Ha, Just look at the GPS
above that's not to curvy now is it? We thought we'd be bombarded by Memorial Day traffic, it was pretty much ..Non Existent.

The Better Half & The CouchRocket!!

Yes, American still has some fantastic "Off the beaten path" drives ...
This area is an A++ in our book, We can't wait to do it again...
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Fort Worth, Texas, United States