Thursday, August 27, 2009
It's 5PM & It's NOT Happy Hour...

Friday, August 21, 2009
My Office Window!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
How long does it take you to get to work!

Exclusive Interview: A Flight Attendant on Crashpads
I got a great laugh out of that, I too, thought all Flight Crews just popped out of their Limo's looking fresh & rested ready for a great day in the Air!....I thought this, Prior to becoming a Flight Attendant... Yes Temo, we do get to SLEEP in "nice hotels" on occasion... anywhere from 8 Hours to 33 Hours for domestic (US) Trips!,, These rooms are indeed paid for by our companies...
Crashpads are paid for by you guessed it >>>US, The Flight Attendants, Pilots & anyone else who sleeps in one! Most people assume the company pays for our Crashpads,,, Nope!! Only place I know that pays for their Flight Crews is in Dubai, I am sure there are several others overseas, but not here in the U.S.!
This got me to thinking the other day, When you see "The Fresh and Relaxed Flight Attendants" stepping out of the Crew Van, Those are usually the ones that have just slept in that nice layover hotel, Here is something else you don't see, Just how long does it take us to get to that point?
I commute from Columbia, South Carolina to New York (LGA, or JFK) Depending on the day,,, It has taken me on average anywhere from 8 Hours to 13 Hours just to get to work or the crashpad! How can this be? The flight from South Carolina to New York is only 1:30 hours.
Let's look at my last trip:
Depart House: 1400
Drive: 2.5 hours to CHS (Charleston International Airport)
Flight Departs: 1845 (US Air flight) Didn't make that flight
Next Flight: 1930 (Delta) Made my "backup" flight!
Board: 1950
Flight Departs: 2015 (1.40 Flight Time)
Arrive New York's LGA Airport: 2210
Walk to Crash Pad: 20 Minutes
1st Glass of Wine: 2230
My Flight is the next day & departs at 1400, An entire 24 hours after I have left my home for Work!!!
And, This was a Good Day!!! I can promise you ,, I do not arrive to my CrashPad looking: Fresh, Relaxed or Cute,
Today I am playing with the Commute Gods,, I am NOT going to fly in the day before, No...No...I am going to fly in tomorrow, the Day of my trip...since my work flight departs very late in the afternoon, CLT to JFK I am leaving myself 4 flights on 3 different airlines to get me to work,,
Wish me Luck!!!
PS: Again, These flights are not paid for my the company,, If you choose to "Commute", It's ON ME,, how I get to work!
Keep your questions & comments coming... FlyAArmy@gmail.com
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, My Co-Worker commutes from SHANGHAI!
Another Flight Attendant & His Commute ....
Check it out: His Commute
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
What is a Crash Pad?