Part of what I do in the US Army is Inprocess soldiers....I do their initial paperwork to bring them back onto Active Duty from the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR)....
This is never a dull moment...we ask several various question, From mundane "What is your blood type?" to ... "Who would you like to receive your insurance money?" ... We get to know the soldiers we are inprocessing pretty well.... Today, I was inprocessing this younger soldier and I asked him, "Who will be responsible for your remains if something should happen to you?" The soldier thought about it for a moment..... and said.. "Well, my Mom",,,, then silence.... I began to type his mothers information.....
I am well aware of the seriousness of my job & this question, it has to be asked .. So we know the wishes of the soldier...
I would guess about 30 seconds had passed when the soldier stopped me & asked,,,"is it to late to change my answer?" .."I'd like to put my brother, it would be easier for him to pick up my remains, because he has a pickup"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He was dead serious....... I tried so hard not to chuckle.....
My rely to him was: "I will put who ever you want" yet, I am a southern gal so that was followed by: "Bless your heart"......
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