Thursday, July 23, 2009

Passengers say the darnest things...

And, So do the Children!

I wished I had started writing down some of the cute & funny things passengers say...
Some are just down right precious, some are silly,,, but this last statement from my
1st time flyer Amiee, was just Too Adorable!

Mom, lets Amiee board first, while Mom is behind her informing me
"This is her first flight"... oh course I make a big TaaaaaDoooo about the event...
escorting Amiee to the flight deck.. Amiee was polite & used her manners, said
"Yes, Sir & No, Sir" "Yes, Ma'am, No, Ma'am" when spoken too..
Amiee was not very impressed with the Flight Deck . . . .
Amiee popped into my galley, "What's that?" She says... That is the Coffee Pot..
"What's that?" she says, This is my Oven I inform her,
Then she points to the First Class Lavitory Door, "Mom, What's that?",
Mom, tells her >>That's the Bathroom!!
Amiee looks at me & says,,, "Is that one just for the Girls?"!!

Of course I said "Yes, It's just for us girls"!!!

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Fort Worth, Texas, United States